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        Ningbo Chuangrun New Materials Co., Ltd. (CRNMC) is a start-up company founded in June 2012 with the plant area of 32,000 square meters and the production facility area of 23,000 square meters. The total investment was nearly 100 million RMB. The core management team of CRNMC is a group of National Thousand Talents Program experts, Zhejiang Thousand Talents Program experts and very experienced professionals from different fields. CRNMC has achieved several special funds supports, including Yuyao Excellent Returnee Start-up Project, Ningbo Intelligence Start-up Project, National Fund for Technology Innovation, and the Key Industrial Field Development Fund supported by the National Development and Reform Commission. The major products of CRNMC include Low Oxygen High Purity Ti (up to 99.999%), Ti alloy and Low Oxygen Ultra Fine Spheroidized Ti (Alloy) Powder. CRNMC is proudly serving various fields, including semiconductor, aerospace, offshore oil, green energy and medical devices.
公司名稱: 寧波創(chuàng)潤新材料有限公司 公司類型: 個體經(jīng)營 (制造商)
所 在 地: 中國/浙江省 公司規(guī)模: 1-49人
注冊資本: 未填寫 注冊年份: 2012
經(jīng)營模式: 制造商
經(jīng)營范圍: 產(chǎn)品包括低氧超高純鈦材、高端鈦合金材,以及低氧超細球化鈦(合金)粉末,廣泛應用于半導體集成電路、航空航天、海洋石油、綠色能源、醫(yī)療器械等領域。
銷售的產(chǎn)品: 氧超高純鈦材|高端鈦合金材|低氧超細球化鈦粉末
采購的產(chǎn)品: 海綿鈦